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One of my favorite times to practice is first thing in the morning. I’ve found if I wait to practice, I either run out of time or energy!

As you are a beginner establish a home practice you can commit to and do it daily routine or every other day. Morning time is a great time to start to get you into the habit of rolling out your sticky mat and moving with your breath. It will set you up for a very productive, healthy, positive day, too.

This little morning yoga sequence for beginners is wonderful for getting your blood flowing and your energy focused. The poses will strengthen and lengthen your body, and help you feel fit and flexible all day long in mind, body, and spirit.



Mountain Pose is a great place to start. Ground your feet and press evenly through all four corners of each foot. Stretch your arms towards the floor and draw your abdominals in and up.

Hold for five to eight breaths to get focused and ready to move deeper.

2. Urdhva Hastasana

Urdhva Hastasana

From Mountain Pose, lift your arms up overhead and press your palms firmly together. Keep the tops of your shoulders released away from your ears and activate your triceps. Keep the abdominals engaged and the legs firm.

Hold for five to eight breaths.

3. Warrior I

Warrior I

Warriors are always awesome to do in the AM. Warriors give us confidence and strength and help us connect to our own inner strength.

From Urdhva Hastasana, step your left foot back one of your own leg’s length apart. Press the outer left foot in to the mat as you lunge your right knee forward. The left foot should be pointing at a seventy-five degree angle. Make sure the knee stays above the ankle.

Hold for five to eight breaths.

4. Warrior II

warrior ii

From Warrior I Pose on the right side, open the arms, hips, and waist to the side as you gaze forward over your right hand. Your back toes can open up a bit more than seventy-five degrees, but keep the toes a little forward of the heel still. Make sure the front knee doesn’t roll in. Draw your abs in and and keep the torso even between the legs.

Stay and breathe for five to eight deep breaths.

5. Triangle


From Warrior II, straighten the front leg and hinge forward placing the hand on the knee, shin, or a block. Imagine yourself between two narrow walls.

Hold for five to eight breaths, then come back up to standing.

6. Extended Side Angle


Re-bend the front knee and place the outer right forearm on the upper right thigh. Extend the top arm overhead and lengthen from the outer edge of the left foot all the way through the left fingers.

Hold for five to eight breaths.

Drop your hands alongside the front foot and step forward, folding in to both legs. Come back up through Urdhva Hastasana and repeat postures 3-6 on the left side.

7. Downward Dog


After doing the postures on the left side, instead of folding forward, place both hands on the floor on either side of the left foot from Extended Side Angle and step the left foot back to meet the right as you come into Downward Facing Dog Pose.

Press firmly into your hands and roll your upper arms outwards. Lengthen up through your torso and keep your abdominals engaged. Actively use your legs to keep bringing your torso back in space.

If you need to bend your knees, that’s ok!

Hold here for eight to ten breaths.

8. Forearm Plank

Forearm Plank

From Downward Facing Dog Pose, roll out to Plank (or drop to hands and knees) and place your forearms on the floor. Make sure your body forms a straight line from head to toe.

Keep your abdominals engaged and hold for thirty to sixty seconds to fire up your powerhouse for the day.

9. Baby Cobra

Baby Cobra pose

Lower down to your belly from forearm plank, walk your hands slightly forward if need be, and lift your chest up into a Baby Cobra. Pull your shoulder blades together and down your back and breathe into the front of your body.

Hold for five breaths, lower down and repeat two more times.

10. Child’s Pose

Child’s Pose

Finish by pressing back to Child’s Pose to stretch the entire back body and focus on what you would like to achieve for the day. Stay as long as you can, or want to, and finish with Savasana, or press to stand and roll up for an incredible day.

Pat yourself on the back every time you get out of bed and greet the day with some yoga postures. You will feel amazing and eventually might not even need that extra cup of coffee in the morning.

What are your favorite yoga postures to do in the morning? Share with us in the comments below!


Fitness My Mind - Healthy Lifestyle